A Day in the Life: Keeping Paris Cool with Central Refrigeration

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A Day in the Life: Keeping Paris Cool with Central Refrigeration


Rise and Shine: The Early Bird Catches the Cold Air

My day at Central Refrigeration starts bright and early at 6:30 AM. As I grab my morning coffee, I check the schedule for the day ahead. Today, we’ve got a mix of routine maintenance calls and a new HVAC installation in Paris.

7:30 AM: Team Huddle

We gather for our daily briefing, where our supervisor assigns tasks and discusses any special considerations for the day’s jobs. Safety is always our top priority, so we review proper procedures and equipment checks.

8:30 AM: First Call of the Day

My first stop is a residential maintenance check in McKenzie. The homeowner’s air conditioning unit has been making strange noises, and it’s our job to diagnose and fix the issue before it becomes a bigger problem.

10:30 AM: Emergency Repair

Just as I’m wrapping up in McKenzie, I get a call about an urgent repair at a local business in Paris. Their cooling system has completely shut down, and with temperatures rising, it’s crucial we get it back up and running ASAP.

1:00 PM: Lunch Break

After the morning’s hustle, it’s time for a quick lunch. I use this opportunity to recharge and prepare for the afternoon’s big project.

2:00 PM: HVAC Installation

The highlight of my day is a new HVAC installation for a family in Paris. It’s always rewarding to help customers upgrade to more efficient systems that will keep them comfortable year-round.

Installation Steps:

  • Remove old system
  • Prepare the area
  • Install new ductwork
  • Set up the new unit
  • Test and calibrate the system

6:00 PM: Wrap Up

As the day winds down, I complete my paperwork and ensure all my tools are accounted for. Before heading home, I check in with the office to confirm tomorrow’s schedule.

Working at Central Refrigeration is never dull. From routine maintenance to emergency repairs and new installations, every day brings unique challenges and opportunities to help our community stay comfortable. It’s a rewarding career that keeps me on my toes and allows me to make a real difference in people’s lives, one cool breeze at a time.