A Day in the Life of a Knight HVAC Technician: Keeping Ozarks Cool

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A Day in the Life of a Knight HVAC Technician: Keeping Ozarks Cool


Rise and Shine: The Morning Routine

As a technician at Knight Heating & Air Conditioning, my day starts early. I wake up at 6 AM, grab a quick breakfast, and check the weather forecast for the day. It’s crucial to know what conditions we’ll be working in, especially during the hot Missouri summers.

First Stop: AC Installation in Nixa

My first job of the day is an AC installation in Nixa. The homeowners have been struggling with an old, inefficient unit, and they’re excited about their new energy-saving system. It’s always rewarding to see the relief on customers’ faces when we complete an installation.

Midday: HVAC Service Call in Ozark

After finishing up in Nixa, I head to Ozark for a routine HVAC service call. Regular maintenance is key to keeping systems running smoothly, and I take pride in educating homeowners about the importance of these check-ups.

Afternoon: Emergency Repair in Springfield

Just as I’m wrapping up in Ozark, I get an urgent call about an AC breakdown in Springfield. Summers can be brutal here, so we prioritize these emergency repairs. I rush over and diagnose the problem – a faulty compressor. Within a couple of hours, I have the system up and running again, much to the relief of the grateful homeowner.

Evening: Wrapping Up and Planning Ahead

As the day winds down, I make my way back to the Knight Heating & Air Conditioning office. I complete my paperwork, restock my truck for tomorrow, and review my schedule for the next day. My route will take me through:

  • Battlefield
  • Republic
  • Sparta

It’s been a long day, but knowing that I’ve helped keep homes comfortable throughout the Ozarks makes it all worthwhile. As I head home, I’m already looking forward to another day of serving our community and maintaining their HVAC systems.