Unveiling HVAC Myths – Superior Comfort

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Unveiling HVAC Myths – Superior Comfort



In the world of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), numerous myths and misconceptions have circulated over the years. At Superior Comfort, we’re dedicated to providing accurate information and debunking these myths to ensure our customers make informed decisions about their HVAC systems.

Myth #1: Leaving the unit on all day saves energy.

Many homeowners believe that keeping their HVAC system running continuously is more energy-efficient. However, this is a common misconception. HVAC systems are designed to cycle on and off, maintaining a comfortable temperature while minimizing energy consumption. Leaving the unit on all day can lead to higher energy bills and unnecessary wear and tear on the system.

Myth #2: Closing vents in unused rooms reduces energy costs.

  1. This myth stems from the belief that closing vents will prevent conditioned air from entering unused spaces, thus saving energy.
  2. In reality, this practice can actually increase energy consumption and strain the HVAC system.
  3. Closed vents create an imbalance in airflow, causing the system to work harder to maintain the desired temperature.

Myth #3: HVAC maintenance is unnecessary if the system seems to be working fine.

Regular maintenance is crucial for the efficient and prolonged operation of your HVAC system. Even if your unit appears to be functioning correctly, neglecting routine maintenance can lead to a buildup of dirt and debris, reduced efficiency, and unexpected breakdowns. Professional maintenance can identify potential issues early and help extend the lifespan of your HVAC system.


At Superior Comfort, we strive to educate our customers and dispel common HVAC myths. By understanding the truth behind these misconceptions, you can make informed decisions that optimize the performance, efficiency, and longevity of your HVAC system. Trust our expertise to provide reliable AC services, ductless HVAC installations, and air conditioning services in Bristol, RI, Newport, RI, Portsmouth, RI, Warren, RI, Barrington, RI, and Middletown, RI.