A Day in the Life of an HVAC Technician: Keeping Homes Comfortable in the Gulf Coast

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A Day in the Life of an HVAC Technician: Keeping Homes Comfortable in the Gulf Coast


Rise and Shine: Early Morning Preparations

My day at Family Heating & Air starts bright and early at 6:30 AM. After a quick cup of coffee, I review the schedule for the day, which includes AC installations in Pensacola, FL, and routine maintenance calls in Ocean Springs, MS. I double-check my truck to ensure I have all the necessary tools and parts for the day’s tasks.

First Call: AC Installation in Pensacola

By 8:00 AM, I arrive at my first job site in Pensacola. The homeowners are excited about their new energy-efficient air conditioning system. Over the next few hours, I carefully remove the old unit and install the new one, ensuring all connections are secure and the system is properly calibrated.

Lunch Break and Travel

After wrapping up in Pensacola, I grab a quick lunch and hit the road to Ocean Springs, MS. During the drive, I receive a call from dispatch about an emergency AC repair in Biloxi. I adjust my route accordingly, ready to tackle the unexpected challenge.

Afternoon: Emergency Repair in Biloxi

Upon arriving in Biloxi, I find a distressed homeowner dealing with a completely non-functional air conditioner. After a thorough diagnostic, I identify a faulty capacitor as the culprit. Luckily, I have the replacement part in my truck, and within an hour, the AC is up and running again.

Evening: Routine Maintenance in Ocean Springs

My final stop of the day is in Ocean Springs for routine AC maintenance. I perform the following tasks:

  • Clean or replace air filters
  • Check refrigerant levels
  • Inspect and clean condenser coils
  • Verify proper thermostat operation

Wrapping Up: Back to the Office

As the sun sets, I head back to the Family Heating & Air office in Ferry Pass, FL. I complete my paperwork, restock my truck for tomorrow, and discuss the day’s events with my colleagues. It’s been a busy but rewarding day, knowing I’ve helped keep homes comfortable across the Gulf Coast region.

From Ensley to Brent, and everywhere in between, being an HVAC technician at Family Heating & Air means always being ready for new challenges and opportunities to serve our community.